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Okay, So You Have Trouble Getting Up In The Morning!

Today, my intention is to help you get out of the bed early, and help myself too.

You’ll understand what I mean when you get to tip number 7!

Bottom line is, you want to make the change to getting up early, and now’s the time to do it.

Below are some tips of my own, and some I’ve heard from others for waking up early. I hope they help you to wake up in the morning and hopefully stay healthy too.

1 Have a good reason why?

2 Don’t think about anything before you get out of bed, just get out, so you don’t have a chance to change your mind.

3 Go to bed at the same time every night.

4 Use an alarm. muchelleb recommends the app Alarm Clock Plus, it makes you do math problems in order to shut the alarm off. That might be helpful for you, but it could be good enough to put your alarm outside of your room so you have to get out of bed to shut it off.

5 Have a reward to look forward to in the morning for getting up. A Tea, Coffee, Special Smoothie; something that motivates you to get up.

6 Wake up at the same time every morning. Have an exception day if you want, but don’t wake up to much later, or you might throw your body clock off.

7 Tell someone you are going to get up in the morning at a certain time, so you have some accountability. This is my favorite one, and it’s part of the reason I shared this video with you. I want to get up earlier, and telling you will keep me accountable.

8 Have a morning routine. Create a morning routine that you like, or that makes your life better. This will give you even more incentive to get out of bed.

9 Don’t exercise close to bed time. You won’t get a restful sleep with all those endorphins stimulating your mind.

10 Don’t sleep in on the weekend; At least not too long. It throws off you cycle.

Before getting to Tip 11 let’s look at why it might be difficult for you to get up in the morning.

Sleep Inertia – resistance to waking up

is a physiological state characterized by a decline in motor dexterity and a subjective feeling of grogginess immediately following an abrupt awakening. The impaired alertness may interfere with the ability to perform mental or physical tasks.” Wikipedia

11 Consider timing your sleep cycles and waking up at the end of one.

A sleep cycle is 90 minutes long.

It takes about 14 minutes on average to fall asleep after lying down, so set your alarm for 14 minutes plus however many 90 minute cycles you want to sleep for.

5 x 90 minute cycles gives you 7.5 hours of sleep, and about 7 hours 45 minutes in bed with the 14 minutes added for time to fall asleep. For this cycle you’d go to sleep at 10:16 PM if you wanted to wake up at 6 AM or 8:46 for 6 x 90 minute cycles or 9 hours of sleep, to wake up at the same time.

I hope these tips help you to get up early in the morning, and keep doing it.

Sweet Dreams. : )


It’s Time To Decide

You’ve heard it said, not making a decision is a decision, and you’re going to have to live with the consequences of NOT deciding, if you don’t decide.

Decisions are difficult sometimes, but the cost of not making them can be even more difficult to deal with.

You know what I’m talking about; The boy who couldn’t decide which girl he liked better, then lost both.

If you’re having trouble making a decision, you’re in the right place.

I’ve had my own troubles making decisions, and something happened yesterday that motivated me to move a long with making decisions.

Last night an affiliate account, I’d put a lot of time and energy into, was cancelled because the website that I had associated it with didn’t have enough content on it.

This was a direct result of long term indecision…

I’ve know for sometime that I’ve been trying to run to many websites, Youtube Channels, and businesses; and that I needed to let go of some things in order to do some things great.

But NO… I stubbornly kept trying to do what I was doing, because I didn’t want to let anything go.  Basically I didn’t decide, and that’s why I lost the affiliate account.  I didn’t have enough time to make the website associated with it great, so a decision was made for me.

So now you know one Good Reason WHY you should make a decision, but the bigger question might be…

Why are YOU having a tough time deciding to begin with?

Experience tells me, it good be a lack of purpose in your life.

Getting a more clear Vision helps put tougher decisions into perspective.  There’s a book called The One Thing, and the basic principle of the book has helped me a little.

What’s the ONE Thing you can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?Gary Keller, The One Thing

Some people like the idea of making a pros and cons list, and that might be a little helpful, but it’s also a good way to mull over what’s the better choice longer and longer.

Over analyzing our options can lead to pure frustration, and for whatever reason, logic doesn’t always yield the best decision.

What do you really want to do deep down in your soul?

Sometimes the question above is enough to help you decide and move on.  Other times, the consequences to your decision may be more serious, and you know what you want to do, but the consequences of doing what you want to do are irresponsible on some level.

In that case, it’s more difficult, and getting a clearer vision of where you want to go in your life is probably going to be your best bet in helping you decide.

I want to leave you with this.  I know decisions are serious sometimes, but try not to take yourself so serious.  Take some meditative deep breaths, and allow yourself to see the humor of your own predicament.

Then… make a decision and move on.  There’s a lot more decisions waiting to be made.

Let me know if this helped you to decide in the comments section, and thank you for reading.


If you’re asking yourself How Do I Make A Decision, Here’s Why You Should!

How To Decide or Why You Should! by Sye Rodriguez

If you’re having trouble making a decision, you’re in the right place.  I’ve had trouble with this for a long time, and something happened yesterday that motivated me to move a long with making decisions.

Decisions are difficult sometimes, but the cost of not making them can be even more difficult to deal with, than the reality of the consequences of your decision.

You’ve heard it said, not making a decision is a decision, and that has it’s own consequences.

But Why are YOU having a tough time deciding?

You obviously want your cake and to eat it too, but the tough reality is, you can’t ALWAYS do that.

The answer to your question of How To Decide, may lie in knowing Why You Should Decide, and the sooner the better.

Plain and simple, you have something to lose if you don’t decide soon.  For me, I wanted to try and work on more than 3 Youtube Channels, build several businesses, and operate more than 20 websites, ALL By Myself.

But… That’s not possible, as life has been showing me, but I continued to try anyway.

The pain lies in the fact that most of what I’ve done is LESS than GREAT because I haven’t been able to dedicate the time needed to create something Amazing, because I’m spread so thin.

Last night, I lost an affiliate account that I’d put a lot of time and energy into creating income with, because the website that I’d associated with the account had too little content on it.

This is a result of not making a decision.

In trying to do so many things, I didn’t do the most important things, so now I’m forced to decide, AND a decision has been made, that I didn’t like, against my will.

So… Going forward, I’m simplifying and this post is a starting point.  I’ve decided to make this website, and the Organic Adventure Show Youtube channel, one of the main things I want to grow.

What does this mean for you?

You’ve got to learn to let go to make a decision.  Let go of the need to CONTROL everything.  You can’t.

It’s not easy, but sitting here writing this post is better than thinking about how I’m going to write a post for several websites and Youtube channels, and it’s meaningful.  It feels good to move forward.

One  more thing…

If you’re still afraid to make a decision, I understand, but it may be helpful to remember, NOTHING is permanent.

Go do what’s the most meaningful to you.

With Love,




organic-adventure-showOrganic Adventure Show

It’s all about Health, Freedom, and The Internet

God is the most important thing to me; For my own sake.

Health requires God for it to be optimal. You can ask for proof, and I won’t be able to give it to you; It’s something you experience yourself.

The Organic Adventure Show

Originally I was inspired to share with you. I knew I was passionate about health, and I was excited to share. I believed I could make a living sharing with you, but I had no idea how this internet lifestyle worked.


I never liked being told what to do, and I desire to be free, very strongly. Freedom is a tough word to define, but being FREE is good, so we’ll stick to that for now.


The internet is amazing and it has been and is changing lives dramatically. Through the internet, a new playing field has been opened. Information is abundant.

Now there are information wars; Not that there weren’t before, but the information wars are more in your face with the internet.

The Organic Adventure Show:

Health, Freedom, the Internet

My wife, Csilla, she told me to call the Internet part something cooler, like Digital Media, but for me I’m not sure if that term gives the appropriate understanding.

The internet… Now that is something big.

So I’m inviting you to join me on the Organic Adventure Show, where we’ll be opening the world of Health, Freedom and the Internet UP like never before.

Join me if you DARE! : )


3 Simple Tips For Healthy Skin That Glows


Cut Out Dairy Products To Reduce Acne:

Milk products contain cow hormones, such as Insulin Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1), which can cause inflammation and increase acne.  Milk can also promote excessive oil production, clogging up your pores, which in turn creates and environment that is good for the bacteria that causes acne, making the situation even worse.

Update: Regarding the above statement, the majority of the studies about milk and acne are observational and from self reporting.  This basically means these kinds of studies are the least reliable.  That being said, there does seem to be an association between milk consumption and acne in adolescent boys and girls.

In addition, the acne association seems to be primarily from milk, especially skim milk, not other dairy products.

Get A Good Nights Sleep To Keep You Skin Glowing:

Why’s it called a beauty sleep?  Getting enough sleep keeps your circulation strong, which helps to nourish all your cells.  When you don’t get enough sleep your circulatory system is not as efficient.  The bonus of a good sleep, of course, is you’ll feel better too.

Get Your Vitamin C:

Vitamin C plays an essential role in Collagen Production; Collagen is the primary protein found in all of your connective tissue, including your skin.  Make sure to get plenty of fruits and green leafy vegetables to keep your Vitamin C levels high, and consider using a good Vitamin C supplement too.


The effect of milk consumption on acne: a meta-analysis of observational studies

Milk consumption and acne in adolescent girls

Milk consumption and acne in teenaged boys

Dairy intake and acne development: A meta-analysis of observational studies

Consumption of dairy in teenagers with and without acne


Here I am expressing myself!  I’m doing this for 2 primary reasons.  The first: I needed to express myself, as I’ve been kind of in my own world lately and haven’t shared much.

The Second Reason: I hope it inspires you to express what you need to and go for your dreams in life.


Life is not easy, but it’s much more difficult if you don’t go for what you want.

Think Authenticity.  That’s what the feeling of this video is.  What are you doing to create your life in a way that you like it?



Got Mangoes?

I’m sharing my mango experience with you here.  I love mangoes, but it’s not always easy to find great mangoes when you’re not in a place where they grow.

Here’s how to find the best mangoes wherever you’re looking, and some good ways to eat them too.


What’s your favorite way to eat mangoes?

To get started, sign up for our Free E Reports and get free instant access to an interview I did with Susan Smith Jones, The Joy Factor: More Joy & Less Stress in 7 vibrant livingEasy Steps.

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Should You Buy A Course On Internet Marketing?

Are Internet Marketers Bad People?

Sye Here! I just watched a video where someone was speculating about a rising star in the Internet Marketing World being a scammer.

I thought my response to him was valuable enough to post here.  What do you think?  Read the rest below.

“Hey Colton, First time I’ve seen a video from you. Wanted to let you know it’s pretty sure Tai Lopez is for real, and he probably owns 2 houses in the same area.

If you look at this video I’m linking to here, you’ll be able to see his newest car. Pretty hard to argue with this video.

In addition, Mark Cuban, the billionaire and many other successful people are at his house, the same house you showed in his video, frequently.

Also, there’s so much opportunity in Marketing in general, including internet marketing. People are getting paid on so many levels, and although there are some people that just want your money, you can purchase thousands of good courses that really teach you how to make money legitimately using the internet.

I understand how someone on the outside doesn’t see the whole picture, but I sincerely believe marketing is a great thing on so many levels.

Marketers are some of the highest paid people in the world, and it’s specifically because of the knowledge they have, that others do not. Good knowledge costs money, and that is why some people that have it sell it.

Other people would rather use the knowledge for their businesses in particular and DON’T wish for others to compete with them, but the world is full of competition.

Great thing is, there’s so much knowledge to acquire and with it comes new opportunities.

One thing people expect that is unrealistic, is for people with knowledge to share it with them for free, when that takes away from the time they could be using their own knowledge to make money themselves.

Why should someone be expected to give their time or knowledge away to strangers without charging them for it? What are your thoughts Colton?” Sye Rodriguez ( I’m quoting myself here.)

The above is my response to the video below:

It’s about this other video below:

And… Another video that you may have seen, Where Tai gives a tour of his house, which I couldn’t currently find, but you’ll probably see it as an ad in front of another video if you search for “Tai Lopez House Tour.”

I Say Tai is for real, and legitimate.  I like him, and I think what he’s doing is good.  What about you?



Accountability Check In – Sharing Real★

Are you ADDICTED to anything? Do you know how to overcome your addiction/s?

I’ve overcome a lot of addictions, but I’m still struggling with Tea and Hot Chocolate. Pretty Bad, Right? ( :

If you want to do GREAT Things in your life, whether it be Changing the world in a big way, Making a LOT of Money, or even overcoming addictions, I’ve found it helpful to create some sort of accountability.

Today, I’m checking in with you (being accountable), and sharing some things to help you get to know who I am.

I’m experiencing a lot of success right now, and I’m working on creating more. Checking in with you regularly will not only help keep me on track, I’ll be sharing a lot of what I’m doing, and hopefully provide some insights that help you to do more of what YOU want to do with your life.

What do you want?


The Magic Formula To Massive Abundance

Okay, so you want to be more Happy, have More Money and live a life that most people only dream of?

Or something like that…

To live a life that is Great, and feel GOOD is not EASY.  But.. You should go for it anyway, because the alternative is much more difficult.  What’s the alternative?

A life of Quiet Desperation.


So let’s get on with it.  How do you go from where you are now to where you want to be?  One thing is sure to make a BIG difference.

Become Accountable To Someone, or even Many others

Accountability scares me.  I am a responsible person, but I don’t like any more responsibility than I can handle.  The very thought of Accountability can stir up fears in your imagination about having to do something you are NOT sure you want to do.

But… I know a way to keep accountability simple, and it’s guaranteed to help you grow.

It’s about sharing yourself Authentically

That’s what I’m doing here now, and that’s part of why I make videos.  It’s a way of coming out of hiding.

But don’t be scared.  Although making videos is an Amazing way to overcome your fears and grow, you don’t have to share authentically through video.

If you can find one person you can share yourself with honestly on a regular basis, you have the chance to overcome yourself, and be that Greatest Part of Yourself.

Sharing regularly keeps you honest with yourself.  It also makes you more aware of how imperfect you are.

That’s one of the hardest parts.

When you really start to see yourself for who you truly are, you’ll probably only see the worst aspects of yourself, in the way they would be seen if they were put under a high powered microscope.  It can be terrible.

Here are Two IMPORTANT Things to Remember:

  • To others, you probably don’t seem as bad as you seem to yourself.
  • The reality is, You are the person you are, even when you are not seeing yourself for who you are.

The Second bullet point above is the more important one.  It doesn’t help to beat ourselves up.

What does help?

  • Focus on your Strengths and Build On Them.
  • See what’s working in your life, and make what’s working even better.

There you have it.  I hope this helps.  Be sure to leave your comments and be as critical or nice as you want to be.


Rich Deep