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30 Day Challenge To Get More Sleep And Rewrite A Book

Do You Have A Difficult Time Getting Enough Sleep?


I’ve definitely had my share of difficulty getting enough sleep, and it’s TOTALLY my fault.  That’s why I’m doing a Sleep Challenge and I’m challenging YOU to do the same if you think you NEED more sleep.

This challenge is going to be for the next 30 days, and I’ll be getting to bed by 9:30 PM, Sunday through Friday, and by 11:30 PM on Fridays and Saturdays.

I figured I needed to stay up a little longer on the weekends in case My Wife and I are having too much fun to go to bed. Ha ha.

What about YOU?  Will you get to bed a little earlier too?  I highly recommend it, if you are the kind of person who KNOWS they could benefit from getting a little EXTRA sleep, but just can’t seem to make yourself get to bed at a reasonable hour.

I’m already about 3 days into my sleep challenge as I’m writing this and I can tell you that it’s making a GOOD difference in my life so far.

What’s surprising is how EASY it is and how much I LIKE it.

I think it’s just the COMMITMENT to yourself that makes it easy.  Also… Knowing that it’s only 30 days makes it easy to commit to.

During these 30 days I’m making another commitment as well; and one I’m pretty excited about.  I’ll be REWRITING my book for at least One hour per day for the next 30 days.  I’ve never seriously promoted my books before, but this rewrite has got me excited.

So there it is… 30 days of SLEEPING and Writing More.

Do you have something to say about getting enough sleep?  Will you start a new 30 day challenge?  Please share in the comments section on this page.

See The Results Of This Sleep And Book Publishing Challenge HERE.

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